Making plans
I have:
- Think are you writing (P.I.E) which means Persuade, Inform and Entertain
- Brainstorm ideas ( bubble map)
- Collect information,
- what text form will I use? (recount report)
Start writing
Write your plans down.
Am I . . .
- Writing down ideas put in all information the audience needs.
- Correcting as I write
- Using feedback.
- Writing like a reader.
Craft again
Re-read and change your writing
Do I need to . . .
- use more words and more ideas
It needs to make sense and have everything that the audience needs.
- sort out the way words and ideas are organised?
- Delete or replace words and better ones?
- Add or improve language features?
- Add more words and more ideas
Make Sure
- Check and fix your spelling and punctuation
- Capital letters for beginnings of sentences
- Others can read your writing easily
- punctuation (full stops, Exclamation marks and question marks
- commas, apostrophes,speech marks,brackets,semi colons and colons.
Correct spelling (KNOW,LOOK AND HEAR WORDS)?
Present your writing for an audience.!!!
You could:
- blog it!
- speak it!
- E-mail it!
- display it!